Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Second Preview Screening! News and Photos...

Last night was the second ever preview screening of NO WAY TO SAY GOODBYE and the first Los Angeles screening... and what a fun and thought provoking night it was!!

The audience started rolling in to the Echo Park Film Center at about 7:45 for the 8 pm screening, but they didn't stop coming until 8:30. Matt, the staff member at the center, had a shocked happiness to his face as he went to the back room to get more chairs for the packed house. There were almost 100 people packed in to the 50 seat theater.

It was so great to have such a large turnout and a supportive audience. And of course, it was a thrill to see the film on the big screen again!

After the screening, audience members asked a plethora of questions and offered their constructive criticism as well. The turnout and the feedback left me extremely pleased with the event and excited for the next screening! Also, the composer, Daniel Walter and sound engineer Guillermo Bordarampe were present. What a treat to have them.

Thanks to all for coming out. Special thanks to Sofia, Cesar and Danny for helping set up the food & drink spread and making the screening run as smoothly as possible.

photos taken by Sofia Midon.

Stay tuned for updates, upgrades and exciting new developments!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Second screening coming up!! June 26, 2009. Los Angeles CA

Screening number two coming up soon! Friday, June 26 in my hometown Los Angeles in the neighborhood where I grew up - Silverlake / Echo Park. It will be a "sneak preview" screening with a Q & A afterwards and a chance for the audience to give their feedback, since I will be doing some re-editing of the film.

Taking place at Echo Park Film Center
1200 N Alvarado St. (@ Sunset) LA CA 90026
8 pm
$5 suggested donation

This will also be a fundraising screening to help market the film and apply to festivals. So if you like the film and want to give more for a good cause, feel free!

It's going to be a great event, so bring friends and family!!

NWTSG picked up by distributor!

Great news! NO WAY TO SAY GOODBYE was recently picked up by the well regarded, independent distributor, New Love Films. They are based in LA.

Check out their site here

Also, I received non profit endorsement from the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity. They are based in Israel and LA.

Their site here

First screening - May 13, 2009. Evanston IL

The first screening of the film took place on Wednesday, May 13th 2009 at Northwestern University (my alma mater) in Evanston IL, USA. The event was sponsored by Hillel, ASB Cuba & the Study Abroad Office.

There was a full house on hand in the main screening room of the school's film department, Louis Hall 119. We had a nice Q & A afterwards with thoughtful questions and comments. Big thanks to all who came out! And special thanks to mom and dad, Uncle Les, Drew, Myriam and Patty for all their help with the set up. I couldn't have done it without you!

Below are some pictures from the screening.

Before the screening.

The crowd rolling in.

Fielding questions after the screening.