Friday, June 12, 2009

First screening - May 13, 2009. Evanston IL

The first screening of the film took place on Wednesday, May 13th 2009 at Northwestern University (my alma mater) in Evanston IL, USA. The event was sponsored by Hillel, ASB Cuba & the Study Abroad Office.

There was a full house on hand in the main screening room of the school's film department, Louis Hall 119. We had a nice Q & A afterwards with thoughtful questions and comments. Big thanks to all who came out! And special thanks to mom and dad, Uncle Les, Drew, Myriam and Patty for all their help with the set up. I couldn't have done it without you!

Below are some pictures from the screening.

Before the screening.

The crowd rolling in.

Fielding questions after the screening.

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